Batch Galvanized Vs Pre-galvanized Products-Applications and benefits

Batch Galvanized Vs Pre-galvanized Products | Applications and benefits

There is a common misconception among many that any type of zinc coating is termed as galvanizing. However, the truth is there are present various processes through which application of zinc coating is possible. HDG or hot dip galvanizing tends to refer to those coatings which are created through immersion of steelwork into zinc in molten form. Two variations are present of HDG process, namely, Pre-galvanizing and Batch Galvanizing.

About Batch Hot Dip Galvanizing

It is a process that is generally used for coating completely fabricated articles. Chemical cleaning is involved of work before immersing in galvanizing bath, specified with EN ISO 1461. The process given below offers full coverage including hollow section internal surfaces without the presence of any uncoated area. Highest corrosion protection level is also offered with the formation of thick coating.

Pregalvanized Steel product

The alternative available will be to take specific product like tubes, wires or sheet and use an automated process to galvanize them.

Pregalvanized Steel Sheet

It is considered to be among the most used of all pregalvanized products, specified with EN 10346. The sheet is uncoiled to be passed through reducing atmosphere before it gets immersed for short time period in galvanizing bath. On withdrawing it from galvanizing bath, there is used a mechanical wiper or air knife for eliminating excess zinc, to produce excellent surface finish. However, the result derived is thin coating varying between 7 and 42 μm depending upon the grade and most products having typical coating thickness of about 20 μm. Once galvanizing is completed, the sheet gets recoiled before the stockholder. It is uncoiled and then cut down for sale to produce uncoated edges.

Pre-galvanized Steel Tubes

Using automated procedure to EN 10240, it is possible to galvanize tubes. Here, immersion times re much shorter and on withdrawal, the tube bore may be blown down by steam to provide adequate surface finish. Coating thickness could be high by about 45-55 μm, even though most of the produced products may have significant thinner coating of about 20 to 30 μm. The tubes can be cut again for resale purpose to size to create uncoated edges.

Pre-galvanized Wire

Wire strands, from practical view point may be coated just using automated process, specified with EN 10244-2. If wiping procedures are used, then there will be shorter immersion times to eliminate excess zinc present and to achieve smooth finish. Again, coating thickness could vary with strand diameter and grade. However, it will be typically around 20 to 30 μm. Although it is not possible to galvanize individual strands to EN-ISO 1461, for such processing mesh can be found suitable for achieving thicker galvanized coating.

Coating comparison

It is essential to understand that both pregalvanized and hot dip galvanizing coatings tend to come with different characteristics. Also, as coating weights get specified for the steel sheet, weights tend to include the sheet’s both sides to ensure that coating life becomes half for equivalent coating weight that is specified within EN 10346.

Choose Tanya Galvanizers for all galvanizing needs

Those interested to get superior quality galvanizing can check out the different types of services offered by ‘Tanya Galvanizers’, the leading company in the domain. They are considered to be cost effective and known not to compromise on the quality aspect. They are completely reliable and can be trusted upon for providing the best and cost effective galvanizing solutions as and when required.

Get in touch with us via Email: or
Phone: (0265) 2632517 (O) / +91 8000842648

Protect Crash Barriers from Corrosion-Tanya Galvanizers

Protect Crash Barriers from Corrosion

Zinc is exploited globally for its uses and for its unique properties. Its predominant usage (50% to 60%) is for corrosion protection, mainly galvanizing. This means having steel coated using metallic zinc. This is to protect the metal from corrosion. It is regarded to be a highly reactive metal and still can support safeguarding steel from corrosion, when this metal in itself is regarded to be vulnerable and requires adequate protection. But with oxygen present in air reacting with zinc surface, creates impermeable and dense zinc oxide coating. Zinc surface is protected from future attack from this physical crash barriers.

Offering maximum protection

An item that is coated in zinc, like the motorway crash barrier, galvanized dustbin or the roadside lighting standard tends to lose quickly its silver shiny appearance to become dull grey, due to zinc oxide coating formation that is regarded to be natural ageing process. Zinc coating’s physical barrier as well as its surface oxide is what said to protect the steel. Interface present between steel and zinc is actually not a single metal directly one upon the other. A reaction is created by the galvanizing process among steel and zinc, where there is form an intermediate iron-zinc compound, which further offers corrosion barrier including an unbreakable bond among steel and zinc. From steel, zinc is said not to peel away, unlike that of paint.

Providing in numerous benefits

If galvanized steel surface gets broken or scratched, then the exposed steel region is sure to corrode, since the physical protective barrier has been lost. But with zinc being more reactive when compared to iron offers further defence, since iron and zinc forms electrolytic cell similar to that of the battery, where iron’s natural reactivity combined with its desire to get converted into rust is covered to favor the reactive zinc material. Hence, zinc is expected to oxidize a bit and the scratch present in zinc coating will be healed by zinc oxide product. Since the zinc coating area is big, when compared to the coating’s break area, zinc actual loss amount to protect the steel is quite small. Therefore, zinc can be termed to be the perfect protector.

To safeguard steel car bodies, zinc coating provides twelve years of assurance against corrosion, which in itself tends to speak in volumes. The point it, irrespective of the type of painting steel has been provided with, it is simply no match for zinc, when protection is concerned. The reason is because paint offers just the physical barrier, but not the much needed secondary defense, if coating gets broken. As a result, once paint surface gets broken, corrosion tends to advance rapidly within the paint left.

Uses of Crash Barries

Two major galvanizing classifications are present, namely, continuous galvanizing and general galvanizing. Zinc could be applied by electrolysis in continuous galvanizing process. But this process is known to be less used for providing protection. Moreover, the method is used for safeguarding bigger structures like bridges. However, the protection offered is considered to be not that good like the individual component galvanized during primary manufacture. This is because, the application and preparation is not well controlled at the construction site.

Related: Different Uses of Crash Barriers

Crash Barrier galvanizing services are offered by the leading providers like Galvanizers to their clients at reasonable rates. Choosing them over their competitors is likely to benefit the business.

Get in touch with us via Email: or
Phone: (0265) 2632517 (O) / +91 8000842648

What Are The Reasons There Could Be Defects In Galvanizing-Tanya Galvanizers

What Are The Reasons There Could Be Defects In Galvanizing?

Some common defects may arise during hot dip galvanizing process. There are several reasons for the causes of such variations and defects to take place.

Galvanized Coatings: Some defects

  • Ungalvanized weld areas: The weld areas may have some coating misses which could be due to welding shag being present on the welds. The fabricator is required to remove the welding slag before it is delivered to the galvanizer.

  • Mottled or dull gray coatings: Thicker galvanized coatings will be generated by reactive steels which are dull when compared to standard coatings. Such coatings tend to have longer life due to their greater thickness. Moreover, their appearance is steel metallurgy’s function, which is beyond the galvanizer’s control.

  • Dark stains present adjacent to welds: Unsealed overlaps may witness preparation chemicals entering them or poor quality welds simply boil from connection during the galvanizing process. This will only cause coating misses and surface contamination during galvanizing. Moreover, anhydrous fluxing salts remaining within the connection are likely to absorb atmospheric moisture, while leaching onto adjacent galvanized surface. Such salt leaching will each eventually the equilibrium. It is necessary to clean wash the affected areas for removing those slight corrosive leachate.

  • Inclusions/Dross Pimples: During galvanizing process, dross is generated as zinc iron crystals or in the form in higher melting point when compared to metal in zinc bath. Galvanized coating experiences trapped dross which gives out that gritty or rough appearance to the coating. Dross inclusion presence in coatings will not be found to be detrimental to performance of the coating, since zinc dross resistance is identical, similar to that of galvanized coating.

  • Ash staining: During the galvanizing process, there is formation of zinc ash, since it is in zinc that the work gets immersed. The ash that is generated gets skimmed off the molten zinc surface before withdrawal of the work from galvanizing bath. At times, ash can be found to be trapped within the inaccessible areas, while sticking to the external part of the coating, when the bath is exited by the work. A light brown or dull surface stain is left by ash after removal. However, the galvanized coating performance is not affected in any manner.

  • White storage staining: Once galvanizing is completed, the items stacked or stored in poorly ventilated, wet conditions will become white bulky zinc hydroxide deposits upon the galvanized coating surface due to atmospheric moisture reaction.

  • General surface irregularities and striations: Lines thicker than adjacent galvanized coating and ridges may appear due to varying zinc reaction with steel surface. This is more due to the stress areas upon the steel surface or probably the welds presence or weld metal that is modified metallurgy into parent metal. It is regarded to be a common phenomenon faced with tube and pipe products. However, coating performance is not affected in any manner.

  • Bare patches: The uncoated areas of the galvanized work surface are because of inadequate pretreatment in pickling, degreasing, pre-fluxing and poor surface preparation. It is necessary to get the areas repaired by making use of recommend repair procedure or regalvanize the item, if defect is found of sufficient size.

  • Puddling, drainage spikes and runs: They are termed to be unavoidable defects in general item hot dip galvanizing process. They are acceptable unless the function assembly of the item is not affected or safety hazard present in service or handling.

The above are stated to be the few of the reasons for defects to appear in galvanizing and amazing solutions to it.

Get in touch with us call: (0265) 2632517 (O), Mobile : +91 8000842648

Recycling of Galvanized Metals-Tanya Galvanizers

Recycling of Galvanized Metals

Steel according to the industry experts is considered to be among the most recycled of all materials available in the world. Recycling of galvanized steel helps to reduce expenses tremendously, thus saving a good amount of money. At the same time, it also helps to save the environment. This is indeed a fabulous solution when compared to refining new steel and mining. It is possible to have galvanized steel along with zinc coating provided for rust protection to be recycled. If the desire is to have galvanized steel recycled, then it can be done by hiring a well established scrap dealer who will get the job done as planned.

It will be useful to check out the amount of money that can be derived from scrap steel. Online index such as Metal Prices can be used for finding out current high and low prices for steel. It will provide a clear idea of what is to be expected, when steel is taken for recycling purpose. The fact is prices tend to fluctuate. Hence, prices are to be monitored on a regular basis for few days for getting that broader picture.

Hiring process

It will be useful to compare the different providers in the region who can offer the very best hot dip galvanizing services. There are several companies who may be interested to purchase the steel pieces. Local business listings can be used for searching for honest and certified scrap dealers. Even the waste management office in the locality can be checked out to identify if there is present a listing or website exclusively for scrap dealers. It is very much necessary to hire the services of a steel recycler who has been in the domain for quite a long time and known for providing impeccable services. As steel recycling is found to be common, it is easy to come across several providers in the region.

Things to do

Once the steel recycling dealer is identified, they are to be called up to know the amount that they will pay up for the scrap steel. The dealer who pays the highest rate is to be selected and their location needs to be quite close. The reason is because, the expenses related to hauling heavy steel to the other part of the city is likely to be more and only will minimize the savings made from high rates offered.

The steel is to be then loaded onto the truck and get it delivered at the scrap dealer’s premises. Some dealers are found to accept materials only during specific business hours, while others may accept the same at any time. Prior to making the delivery, it will be useful to find out if the dealer requires special documentation for transporting the materials like photo identification or title for the scrap vehicle. Laws have been passed by many countries which require dealers to gain information about those selling scrap, due to increase in widespread metal theft. Hence, it will be useful to have necessary documents brought along and a check received for the scrap materials.

Galvanizers are considered to be the top rated galvanizing consultant in the region offering best quality galvanizing job work at fabulous rates. They can be contacted physically at their official address at Vadodara, through
Email: or via Phone: (0265) 2632517 (O) // +91 8000842648.

What Are The Different Types Of Galvanizing-Tanya Galvanizers

What Are The Different Types Of Galvanizing?

Galvanizing is termed to be among the most widely utilized methods to safeguard metal from corrosion. This method tends to involve applying zinc in thin coating to thick base metal, to help shield the same from surrounding environment. A good number of lamp posts and street signs can be found to have silver color upon them. This silver is stated to be actually zinc coating.

Why Galvanizing?

Having a metal galvanized provides it with anti-corrosion properties. Without using protective zinc coating, metal would be remain exposed to the different elements and oxidize as well as corrode quickly. As a matter of fact, galvanized steel can prove to be cost effective solution when compared to using materials like aluminum or austenitic stainless steel for preventing corrosion. Hot dip galvanizing services in Vadodara offered by the reputed providers can help the organization to stay ahead in competition.

Know the different galvanizing methods

Several processes are involved for galvanizing metal, which are given below:

    • Hot dip galvanizing: Like the name suggestions, this particular tends to involve the base metal getting dipped into molten zinc pool. Initially, the base metal is to be cleaned chemically, manually or probably both for assuring good quality bond that can be achieved between zinc coating and base metal. After getting cleaned, base metal gets fluxed for eliminating residual oxides present after completion of the cleaning process. base metal gets dipped into heated zinc liquid bath to form metallurgical bond. The benefit derived from this specific method is considered to be economical and can be quickly performed to complex shapes. But final coating is stated to be inconsistent and relative to the other processes of galvanizing.

Related: Hot Dip Galvanizing Process | Tanya Galvanizers

    • Electro Galvanizing: This type is said not to make use of molten zinc bath. Rather, the process uses electrical current within an electrolyte solution for transferring the zinc ions into base metal. It involves the electrically reducing zinc ions that are positively charged into zinc metal that gets deposited onto positively charged material. also can be included grain refiners to ensure steel getting smooth zinc coating. This method is applied typically to sheet metal roll. The benefits to be derived from it are precise coating thickness and uniform coating. But the coating may be thinner than zinc coating that is achieved through hot dip galvanizing process, thus resulting in diminished corrosion protection.

Take a look at our blog for Difference Between Hot Dip Galvanizing And Electro-Galvanization

  • Pre-galvanizing: It is a method that is found to be quite similar to that of hot dip galvanizing. However, it is at a steel mill that it gets performed, typically on materials, which have already a particular shape. This method involves metal sheet being rolled through a cleaning process, which is similar to hot dip galvanizing procedure. Then, this metal is passed through pool of liquid hot zinc to be recoiled. A major benefit derived from this particular method is that steel sheet in large coils could be galvanized within a short span of time having more uniform coating, unlike that of hot dip galvanizing. However, the cons are that after pre-galvanized metal fabrication takes place, the uncoated, exposed areas become present. It effectively means, when long sheet coil is cut to small sizes, its edges where metal gets cut remains exposed.

Reputed providers like Galvanizers have their certified hot dip galvanizing plant from where they produce different types of galvanized products like cable trays, crash barrier, race ways, earthing strips, earthing materials, sub-station structures and much more.

Get in touch with us call: (0265) 2632517 (O), Mobile : +91 8000842648

The Pros and Cons of Galvanized Steel

Steel is the most common material that is immensely used in the industrial sector for variety of applications. If steel is left out in open, or if it’s used on a continuous basis then it is bound to get affected by wear and tear and especially the effect of corrosion can result in its damage. Galvanization is the process by which a protective layer of zinc is applied on the steel based surfaces to prevent the process of rusting. Thus, Galvanized steel becomes strong and safe from the effect of corrosion. The hot dip galvanizing Services in Vadodara are very famous as they help in getting the best steel with galvanized coating. In hot dip galvanization process the steel surfaces are submerged in zinc solutions and that gives a long-lasting coating with supreme results. There are both pros as well as some cons of galvanized steel that you must know before availing such facility.


The Pros of Galvanized Steel

There are many advantages of getting the steel galvanized and they are listed as follows-

  • Durability- The galvanization process of steel makes it highly durable. Thus, its strength can be increased multiple times.

  • Longevity – With the galvanization process the life of steel based structures can be improved to a great extent.

  • Rust free – The galvanization of steel helps in checking rust and the steel surfaces will not be corroded easily.

  • Finishing – The layer of zinc oxide and advanced chemical processing makes Galvanized steel perfect looking and the finishing appears smooth.

  • Protection from contaminationGalvanized steel will not get contaminated by the effect of other chemicals and harmful substances; thereby its performance level will remain intact.

  • Ease in inspection – If steel surfaces would be galvanized then it would become very easy to inspect them and it would eventually save a lot of time as well as efforts.

  • Scratch free – The steel that goes under the process of galvanization usually becomes scratch free to a great extent.

  • Right decision for long run – Getting the steel galvanized is a very fruitful decision for the long run because it saves a lot of cost of replacement, thereby helps in saving a lot of money.


The Cons of Galvanized Steel

If you are looking for hot dip galvanizing Services in Vadodara then make sure to understand that there can be some minor disadvantages while availing such services –

  • Cost factor – Sometimes the wrong agency may charge really high prices for providing galvanization process for steel. Stay away from such sources and choose an affordable medium.

  • Hot dip galvanization is not the only way – Although hot dip galvanization is one of the best methods for galvanizing steel, but sometimes it may not be feasible. In those cases, other methods such as painting, spraying, etc. may be used. It may happen when the steel structures are either too big or too small making them unsuitable for hot dip galvanization process.

Incorrect processing – Not all companies are credible for availing galvanization facilities because incorrect processing of Galvanized steel is very often seen when there is lack of expert knowledge.

Call us: +91 80008 42648 or visit: for more information.

Galvanized Steel vs Stainless Steel-Tanya Galvanizers

Galvanized Steel vs. Stainless Steel

Steel is one such material whose importance cannot be underestimated in the industrial sector. It is used in variety of structures, equipment, processes and industrial settings. The two most famous types of steels are none other than galvanized steel and the stainless steel. Many people think that galvanized steel and stainless steel is the same thing because of their similar look but in reality they are different from each other. These two varieties of steel are different when it comes to their composition, strength and other features and one must know the distinction very clearly.

The difference between galvanized steel and stainless steel

There is no doubt that both galvanized steel as well as stainless steel are exceptionally good for industrial use but there are a lot of differences between the two options and they are highlighted as follows-

  • Composition – Galvanized steel is obtained by applying a zinc coating on the steel surface to protect it from corrosion and there are Galvanizing Services in Vadodara for obtaining high quality galvanized steel. Whereas the stainless steel is actually the steel alloy that contains at least 10.5% of chromium that helps in corrosion resistance.
  • Affordability – Galvanized steel is more affordable than stainless steel because in stainless steel two or more substances are usually embedded to get steel that result in higher costs. Whereas in galvanized steel the already existing steel is coated with the zinc layer that can be done by the processes like hot dip galvanization, spraying, painting etc. The Galvanizing Services in Vadodara is the best for obtaining any help in this domain.
  • Uses – Galvanized steel being less costly can be used for immense applications like construction projects, pipe based fittings, in fencing arrangements, roof installations, in making various industrial equipment, and for many other applications. Stainless steel is costly thus it can be mainly used for big projects where monuments, structures or buildings are to be built with its support.

Thus, there are a lot of fronts on which the galvanized and stainless steel differ from each other. Based on the customized needs the right one can be selected for various industrial applications.

The unimaginable benefits of galvanized steel for industrial components

There are many industrial and factory based components like cable trays, crash barriers, raceways, earthing strips, substation structures etc. that require galvanization services time and again. It is very important to get such components galvanized because it helps in increasing their life, strength and effectiveness level. The galvanization process creates an active layer of zinc on the steel items that prevents corrosion and thus helps them in becoming absolutely rust free.

Read more The Benefits of Galvanized Steel | Tanya Galvanizers

The Galvanizing Services in Vadodara are trustworthy when it comes to the need of galvanizing any steel based materials. And another important point to note is that these services are very reasonably priced and thus the clients don’t have to face any sort of financial burden. Galvanization is the most effective way to ensure top notch finishing for substances made of steel and it also makes them scratch free.

Industrial / factory components which must be galvanized for better return on investment

Nobody can imagine the development of an economy without the progress of industrial sector. And when it actually comes to the industrial sector it is highly dependent on the various industrial and factory based components that ensure smooth functioning of the entire system. If these industrial components will not run smoothly then everything will come to a standstill and that is why it is absolutely necessary to take care of them, thus galvanization of industrial components is vital.

Why galvanization of industrial components is essential?

Galvanization is highly essential for the industrial and factory based components as it prevents them from the effect of rusting. In the 21st century almost all the smart enterprises opt for the process of galvanization for their industrial and factory based components. In this process usually a protective layer of zinc is applied like a coating to iron or steel surfaces and thereby the life of such components increases by manifolds and they are able to run smoothly for a longer duration without any troubles.

One of the most common methods of galvanization is hot dip galvanizing where these components are submerged in the molten zinc solution. Galvanization is one of the best processes for safeguarding the essential components and once it is done, very less maintenance is required for the components. It is a reliable and trusted method that can be done very fast and the components that are galvanized are very easy to inspect as well.

The galvanization of industrial components that a must are listed below: 

Here are some components that are highly used in the industrial sector and in factories and for them proper galvanization is required time and again –

  • Cable trays – Cable trays are highly used in the power and electrical sector and without them one cannot even think that the power supply sector can run with perfection. It is very important to look after the Galvanizing of Cable trays as with high end coating the corrosive substances would be unable to reach the underlying surface. The life of cable trays will enhance with the galvanization process and it will function like a new component for many years to come in future.
  • Crash barriers – Crash barriers are vital for road safety measures and as they remain in the open surroundings they are more prone to rust. Galvanizing services for Crash barriers are highly essential as otherwise it can become completely corroded. The process of galvanization will provide a supreme coating on the surface of crash barriers and its durability will increase to an unimaginable level.
  • Raceways – Raceways form physical pathways for the purposes of electrical wiring. Thus in the field of electronics it is a highly demanded component. Galvanizing of raceways will provide it a really long life and there will be much less maintenance required in the future. The tougher coating will ensure automatic protection from any sort of damages that may occur because of coming in contact with atmospheric substances.
  • Earthing strips – The use of earthing strips is in various industrial sectors like electrical industries, automobile industries, engineering sector etc. In order to maintain a really good life and quality level the process of Galvanizing of earthing strips is very crucial. It will make the earthing strips more sustainable and they would become much easy to maintain.

Many people think that galvanization is an extra burden on the pocket but in reality the truth is something else. It is not an expense but it is actually an investment. With galvanization process the life of all the industrial components multiply and when one will analyze it actually leads to long term savings. Thus it is very important to get the industrial/factory components galvanized so that they can function without any interruption.

Related: Galvanizing of Earthing Material is Integral | Tanya Galvanizers

Galvanizing of Earthing Strips are Vital - Tanya Galvanizers

Galvanizing of Earthing Strips are Vital

With technology reaching a zenith of success, people have been blessed with so many comforts through machineries and tech savvy products that now, the absence of any of them can make a large difference to them.  In case of the high end machineries, it is very important that it’s functioning takes place in a smooth way and this possible by taking minute care of every machinery, in a delicate manner.

Before we proceed for the Earthing material it is vital to know why do we need the Earthing strips.

Earthing or Grounding an object/tower means providing an electrical connection between that object/tower and mother earth. This electric connection is achieved by running an electrical wire/strip between the tower and an earth electrode. Earth electrode is a metal plate/pipe/sphere properly embedded at a depth in the earth.

Therefore the main objective of earthing is to provide an alternative path for the fault current to flow so that it does not endanger the user of damage the equipment.

A good earthing system should have the following features:

  • By blowing fuse it can protect the user from danger of electrical shock.
  • It should ensure that the conductive parts of the electrical appliances should not reach an alarming level of potential.
  • For successful dissipation of short circuit current it must provide a safe conducting path.
  • Preserves the voltage at any part of an electrical system at a known value to avoid passing of excessive current or voltage on the appliances or equipment.

And now it comes into the mind of everyone as to how efficiency as well as the durability of the electrical equipments can be increased by galvanization technique.

Galvanization is considered to be a coating process among zinc, steel and iron. It alloys with the base metal surface while having the metal immersed in the molten zinc bath. It is performed at temperature of about 840 degree Fahrenheit. Furthermore, galvanized steel is used widely in applications especially where there is required corrosion resistance without involving stainless steel cost. It is also considered superior with regards to life-cycle and cost. Crystallization patterning existing on the surface is what identifies it.

Therefore like most of the corrosion protection galvanizing of Earthing Strips tends to act as barrier between atmosphere and steel. Since steel is vulnerable to atmosphere, erosion takes place when exposed to air and water.

Here are few points of efficiency by galvanization:

  • Low cost and easily affordable: By zinc coating of the steel it becomes affordable to large scale business as well for household goods where the erosion is maintained and also protects the high end machinery within affordable budget to get damage.
  • Reliability: Galvanization helps the equipments to be more reliable, ductile and can withstand high voltage.
  • Adaptability: Galvanization provides an alternative path in the electrical system to minimize the dangerous effect in the electrical system which happens at the time of lighting and unintentional contact with high voltage lines.
  • Safety: Galvanized high end machinery has a high level of safety procedure saving human life from electrical shocks and even secure the high end machinery by providing a safe path of lighting and short circuit.

Earthing system can prevent the dangerous effects of electricity. And by using galvanized strips, the efficiency, durability and ductility of the electrical appliances could be maintained in a neat way.

The Environmental Impact Of Hot Dip Galvanizing - Tanya Galvanizers

The Environmental Impact Of Hot Dip Galvanizing

For producing building materials of any type does require energy inputs, materials, waste outputs and emission. The key towards sustainable development can be started to lower down the environmental impact upon producing a product. This is achieved through optimizing manufacturing. More objective measures and transparency have been pushed by specifiers, especially those committed towards sustainable development.

The fact is Hot Dip Galvanizing steel does come with several environmental benefits which can help to minimize the overall impact to the environment over the project’s life.


Abundant, Natural Materials

It is from two naturally found elements that are found in abundance like iron ore and zinc that Hot Dip Galvanizing steel is created from. The base metal is iron ore (steel), which is regarded to be the fourth most found element within the Earth’s crust. Hot Dip Galvanizing Coating comprises of about 98% of zinc is considered to be a healthy, natural metal. Zinc of over 5.8 million tons is being cycled naturally through the environment. This is done by rainfall, animal and plant life, as well as another natural phenomenon.

Zinc is also regarded to be essential to life. It is required by humans and even microorganisms to survive. It is equally crucial for growth since it plays a significant role in cell growth, division and wound healing. An important role is also played in the regular functioning like digestion, breathing, cognition and reproduction. Zinc, among all micronutrients, is said to have a very strong effect upon the immune system, thereby helping to fight infection and preventing diseases. It is also used in fertilizers for promoting growth and fortifying crops.

With zinc being found naturally in the environment and cycled throughout, using HDG steel is not likely to introduce any kind of harmful or disruptive elements to the overall eco-system.

Renewable Resources

Steel and zinc being both abundantly naturally found are infinitely recyclable. There is found no loss of chemical or physical properties. It effectively means instead of getting down-cycled into the other types of products or its uses, they can be repeatedly used as steel and zinc, without their integrity getting compromised. Hence, when taking into consideration HDG steel’s life cycle assessment, this can be termed to be a cradle to cradle product. This is because no ‘grave’ exists for steel or zinc.

The other wonderful benefit towards minimising the environmental impact is HDG steel’s 100% recyclability aspect. Its primary components, steel and zinc can be recycled, which is held crucial. Two recyclability measures do exist which will define ultimately the positive contribution made towards the environment, namely, reclamation rate and recycling rate.

  • Reclamation rate is said to measure the number of times, the product has been recycled at the end of the useful life.
  • Recycling content can be termed to be the volume of product which is produced from the different recycled sources.

The world’s most recycled material is steel, while zinc boasts of having high reclamation rate. Thus, it leads to having a higher recycling rate, since the reclaimed steel and zinc is put back to use once again. When HDG steel is concerned, structural steel’s recycling rate is much better, over 90%. Zinc’s recycling rate is much lower since not much zinc is available for reclamation purpose for creating a recycled product. It is its longevity and durability factor that allows it to be used for decades.

Quality Galvanizing Job work is done by the industry specialists, who can offer the very best, cost effective solutions.