Crash Barrier

How Zinc Galvanizing Protects Crash Barriers and Saves Lives

Crash barrier are essential safety features on roads, designed to prevent vehicles from veering off the road and to minimize the impact of collisions. Ensuring their durability and effectiveness is critical for road safety.

Zinc galvanizing, a process that involves coating steel with a layer of zinc, has proven to be an effective method for enhancing the longevity and performance of crash barriers. This blog delves into how zinc galvanizing protects crash barriers and ultimately saves lives.

Crash Barrier for Road Safety

Crash barrier are engineered to absorb and dissipate the energy of a vehicle impact, reducing the risk of serious injuries or fatalities. They are commonly found on highways, bridges, and sharp curves where the likelihood of accidents is high. The effectiveness of these barriers is contingent upon their structural integrity and resistance to environmental factors such as corrosion.

The Process of Zinc Galvanizing

Zinc galvanizing involves immersing steel components in molten zinc, forming a metallurgical bond that results in a robust and corrosion-resistant coating. This process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Surface Preparation: The steel surface is cleaned to remove impurities, rust, and scale through processes like degreasing, pickling, and fluxing.
  2. Galvanizing: The cleaned steel is dipped into a bath of molten zinc, which reacts with the steel to form multiple layers of zinc-iron alloy.
  3. Cooling and Inspection: The coated steel is cooled and inspected for uniformity and coating thickness.

Benefits of Zinc Galvanizing for Crash Barriers

  1. Corrosion Resistance: Zinc galvanizing provides superior protection against corrosion. The zinc coating helps in preventing moisture along with other corrosive elements from reaching the steel. This is particularly important for crash barriers exposed to harsh weather conditions, de-icing salts, and pollutants.
  2. Long-Lasting Protection: Galvanized steel can last several decades without significant maintenance, ensuring that crash barriers remain functional over extended periods. This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements and repairs, which can be costly and disruptive to traffic.
  3. Sacrificial Protection: Zinc galvanizing offers sacrificial protection, meaning that the zinc layer will corrode preferentially to the steel. Even if the coating is damaged, one does not have to worry. As the exposed steel will remain protected by the surrounding zinc. Such a process helps in prolonging the barrier’s lifespan.
  4. Impact Resistance: The metallurgical bond formed during the galvanizing process enhances the impact resistance of the steel, making crash barriers more robust in the event of a collision. This ensures that the barriers can effectively absorb and dissipate impact energy, reducing the severity of accidents.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial cost of galvanizing might be higher than other protective coatings, the long-term savings are substantial. Reduced maintenance, longer service life, and decreased frequency of replacements make zinc galvanizing a cost-effective solution for crash barriers.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Several real-world examples highlight the effectiveness of zinc-galvanized crash barriers. For instance, in coastal regions where saltwater exposure accelerates corrosion, galvanized crash barriers have demonstrated remarkable durability and performance. Similarly, in areas with extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snowfall or high humidity, galvanized barriers have maintained their integrity and continued to provide reliable protection.

Environmental Considerations

Zinc galvanizing is an environmentally friendly process. Zinc is a naturally occurring element that is essential for all living organisms, and the galvanizing process produces minimal waste. Additionally, galvanized steel is fully recyclable.


Zinc galvanizing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the safety and longevity of crash barriers. By providing superior corrosion resistance, impact durability, and cost-effectiveness, galvanized crash barriers ensure that our roads are safer and more reliable. Investing in zinc-galvanized crash barriers is not just a financial decision but a commitment to saving lives and protecting infrastructure for years to come.

galvanizing plant

Everything you should know about Galvanizing Plant

In today’s world, protecting metals from corrosion is crucial. Here at Galvanizer, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional hot-dip galvanizing services to ensure the longevity of your metal structures. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? 

What is a Galvanizing Plant?

A galvanizing plant is an industrial facility specializing in applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron products. This process, known as hot-dip galvanizing, significantly enhances the corrosion resistance of the metal, extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

The Galvanizing Process: A Step-by-Step Look

The hot-dip galvanizing process at Galvanizer involves several meticulous steps:

  1. Surface Preparation: Thorough cleaning removes dirt, oil, and mill scale (a layer of iron oxide) from the metal surface. This ensures a strong bond between the zinc and the steel.
  2. Fluxing: The metal is dipped into a solution (often zinc ammonium chloride) that removes any remaining oxides and promotes even zinc coating.
  3. Hot-Dip Galvanizing: The cleaned and fluxed metal is submerged in a kettle of molten zinc maintained at around 450°C (842°F). A metallurgical reaction occurs, forming a multi-layered zinc-iron alloy coating.
  4. Quenching (Optional): In some cases, the galvanized piece is rapidly cooled in water to achieve a specific surface finish.
  5. Inspection and Finishing: The galvanized product undergoes a final inspection to ensure coating thickness and quality meet required standards.

The Benefits of Galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for various industries:

  • Superior Corrosion Protection: The zinc coating acts as a barrier, preventing rust and extending the lifespan of metal structures by decades.
  • Cost-Effective: Galvanizing is a relatively inexpensive process compared to other corrosion protection methods, offering long-term value.
  • Durable and Low Maintenance: The zinc coating is highly resistant to weathering and it does requires minimal maintenance.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Zinc element occurs naturally, and modern galvanizing practices minimize environmental impact.
  • Versatility: Galvanizing can be applied to a wide range of steel and iron products, from fasteners and pipes to large beams and towers.

Choosing the Right Galvanizing Plant for Your Needs

With numerous galvanizing plants available, here are key factors to consider when making your choice:

  • Experience and Reputation: Look for a company that has proven track record of providing high-quality galvanizing services.
  • Capacity and Capabilities: Ensure the plant can handle the size and quantity of your metal products.
  • Quality Standards: Choose a galvanizer that adheres to industry standards and can provide certifications for coating thickness and quality.
  • Turnaround Time: Consider the lead time required for galvanizing your products to meet your project deadlines.
  • Environmental Practices: Select a plant committed to sustainable practices and minimizing environmental impact.

Galvanizer: Your Partner in Metal Protection

At Galvanizer, we understand the importance of protecting your metal assets. We offer a state-of-the-art galvanizing plant equipped with advanced technology with our team of experienced professionals dedicated to exceeding your expectations.

We prioritize:

  • Quality: Our quality starts with a meticulous pre-treatment process and extends to every stage of galvanizing.
  • Efficiency: Our streamlined processes ensure fast turnaround times without compromising quality.
  • Customer Service: We build strong bondings with our clients and providing exceptional service throughout the process.
  • Sustainability: We prioritize environmentally responsible practices and invest in technologies that minimize waste and emissions.

Contact Galvanizer Today

For all your hot-dip galvanizing needs, contact Galvanizer today. Our expert team will be inquisitive to discuss and provide you with a quote. Let us help you safeguard your metal structures for years to come.

Galvanized Raceway

Revitalize Your Electrical Wiring System with Raceway Galvanization!

A common term is constantly changing amongst the electricians and OEMs. The terms are galvanized raceway, electrical raceway and electrical conduit. However, there is a difference between the two; hence, a proper differentiation should be known. Having said this, let us continue the discussion further.

Before you decide what business you are partnering with for your complete need for electrical fabrications, you must understand what is required and what you need, like cable raceway, metal conduit, or wire way. 

The blog will address the essential differences, which will help you decide on the success and assist in making the right decision for the application and its further usage; also, it will explain why an electrical wiring system requires raceway galvanization.

To render a free flow of the current, there is a need for cables, known as the connecting links to the primary electrical circuits. It is the stage where galvanized cableways come into existence as they are used to form a perfect layer in underground cables. The use of a raceway is taken into consideration for perfect electrical wiring work, which increases the overall performance as it covers no centre perforation. 

The use of electrical wiring is used in commercial, residential, and industrial environments. Thus, these cable raceway requires fabrication using superiorly high materials with advanced and innovative techniques. Also, the best thing about galvanized raceways is that they are used for organized and increased performance, with features like excellent performance, durable finishing, low maintenance, higher strength, and excellent tensile.

Once the complete staging of electrical wiring is done, the next thing that needs to be considered is preventing this raceway from rusting and corrosion. Hence, it is highly recommended that it be galvanized raceway. Moreover, galvanization is a proven method because it has an excellent tendency to suit tintype environmental units, be they residential, commercial, or industrial. Also, the best thing about using galvanized steel is that it increases the system’s performance as it is mainly used to protect the cables laid inside any of the above-said environments.

While you think of going for galvanization work, you will find a list of companies who do galvanization of the products. Now, suppose you reside in Vadodara and are looking for a company that can assist you in taking complete charge of galvanizing your cable raceways. In that case, the only name is Tanya Galvanizers. Being in the industry, we have a proven record of providing quality work with high-end machinery and related products. In our company, we go beyond the regular approach and help meet all the client’s requirements in terms of providing them with Galvanization work. 

Getting all your galvanizing work done at Tanya Galvanizers, we assure you of 100% accuracy, precision, and skilled galvanized products, which help prevent the rusting of galvanized raceways for the long term. So, Tanya Galvanizers is the only name you need for all types of galvanizing work. To know more about it, feel free to contact us today! 

Galvanized Earthing Strips

Galvanized Earthing Strips: The Ultimate Grounding Solution

Galvanization is the process that aids in increasing the longevity of the earthing strips and helps them catch the rust. It is the work considered for the highest level of electrical safety with the proper understanding of grounding importance. Today’s blog will share the guide, the ultimate solution for Galvanized Earthing Strips.


Understanding the Importance of Proper Grounding in Electrical Systems

The critical aspect of electrical safety is “electrical grounding”. It is essential in protecting electrical equipment and individuals from electrical hazards. Before we proceed further, let us understand what electrical grounding is precisely.


Electrical grounding is the process that connects all types of electrical systems to the earth and helps create a perfect, safe environment and pathway when it comes to passing electrical current. The team cannot avoid the core requirement regarding safety purposes and preventing electrical shocks. Also, the grounding system helps reduce the risk of fire and damage due to sensitive electrical equipment.


Electrical safety is essential, along with adequately installing grounding systems, as it creates a safer and more reliable environment for yourself and others.


What are Galvanized Earthing Strips and How Do They Work?

Galvanized Earthing Strips are crucial in completing the installation and ongoing work. The earthing method is directly associated with the work that sends the charge directly to the ground with low resistance wire, causing immediate release of the electrical energy. These wires are known to have low-resistance earthing cables, which have the least resistance. It is all because these wires have leakage in the current selected.


Moreover, a dedicated route or space is defined to ensure the proper installation of earth strips. Preparing these earthing strips is possible only with the help of the proper hot dip galvanization process with accurate alignment.


With the proper installation of galvanized earthing strips, a significant portion of its safety is considered, with appropriate updates on the importance of grounding. Going further, a galvanized earthing strip is essential and is one of the long-lasting investments for better sustainability.


The Benefits of Using Galvanized Earthing Strips in Electrical Installations

There are multiple benefits of using galvanized earthing strips, and their core advantages are listed below.

– Increased Durability.

– High Adaptability

– Reliable Outcome.

– Easy Maintainance.

– Increased Safety.


Conclusion: Upgrade Your Electrical System with Galvanized Earthing Strips

Tanya Galvanizers is your trusted and recommended name to help you get the perfect electrical system done with a hot-dip galvanization process, which has a high level of accuracy and strong determination. To know about the complete process, feel free to contact us today!

Why Galvanizing Utilizes Zinc Instead Of Copper

Why Galvanizing Utilizes Zinc Instead of Copper?

Galvanization is essential to ensure metal products’ safety and long-term durability. It is a protective shield that increases metal products’ progression ratio during construction. Galvanization protects steel, iron, or other metal from rusting because it is covered with a layer of zinc known as the protective shield. In standard terms, it is said that galvanizing Zinc is the base to protect the reactive metal against harmful elements, increase the level of corrosion, and may cause damage.

Galvanization Using Zinc

As per the research conducted, it is found that zinc is the most effective way used in galvanization today. This is because the reactive level is more than aluminium. Aluminium tends to be more reactive than cadmium, which is faster than cast iron. In that order, if we check, it is further found that cast iron reacted faster than carbon steel, stainless steel, lead, and solder. Similarly, other metal sets are more reactive than tin and copper.

Based on the overall study and research, it gives a clear understanding that the more the metals are protected from reactive substances, the less the reaction seen in the metal rusting. Hence, other irons and steels are less reactive when covered with hot-dip galvanization, which has zinc to protect others against oxidation.

Reason Zinc is Preferred for Galvanization and not Copper

Galvanization is the process that demands a work of hot-dip zinc coating, which forms a safety layer for steel and iron to form a durable shield from corrosive particles. Once the galvanization is done in hot-dip zinc, it creates a barrier which reacts with the atmosphere, forming a compact later of safety insoluble in water. It is all because zinc is a sacrificial anode helping the base metal to have a protection layer even when the coating is scratched.

Further, the core reason why copper is not used for galvanization is because the protective layer for the metal is less and has a high reaction rate on steel and iron. It, therefore, raises the level of damage to the materials and reduces the shelf life of metals used during the construction. Hence, the architects and the engineers specifically demand the metal into hot-dip galvanization in zinc, as it increases the durability of the material to a great extent with the process of accepting the climatic conditions.

Final Words

Tanya Galvanizers is the trusted unit where we assist our clients in understanding the importance of the Galvanization process in Zinc. Our experience in the industry enables us to know the exact requirements of our clients to ensure that they meet all safety measures concerning the overall construction project.

Pre Galvanized Vs Post Galvanized

Pre-Galvanized vs. Post-Galvanized: Choosing the Right Approach

The process of choosing galvanization depends on the project that is undertaken. Overall, there are two types of galvanizing- batch hot-dip galvanizing and pre-galvanization. To understand the workflow, let us share the difference between pre-galvanized and post-galvanized. 

What is Pre-Galvanized?

Another name for pre-galvanized means “in-line”, ”continuous” or ”mill” galvanizing. It is an automated galvanizing process used for steel products such as steel sheets before they are cut into sizes and pieces to be processed. The best example to understand this is Duragal.

What is Post-Galvanized or Hot-Dip Galvanizing?

The hot-dip galvanizing process means involvement and immersing of steelwork, completed in molten zinc with a temperature of (830 F) and the material has 98% zinc.

To initiate the bath of the steel, it needs to lower down to an angle, allowing air to escape from a tubular shape or other pockets. Considering this, it will allow the melted zinc to flow into the tube properly and the entire section. With the immersive bath process, the steel’s iron material reacts with the zinc, forming a series of layers of zinc iron. On the other side, its outer layer is pure zinc. Undertaking this galvanizing method helps provide the perfect and ultimate corrosion protection for steel.

Factors to consider when deciding which method to use for substation structures.

The galvanization process plays a crucial role in the projects where the team is working on constructing substation structures. Here are the core points we would focus on knowing and understanding the factors associated with substation structures.
– Security of Supply.
– Maintainability.
– Operational Flexibility.
– Extendibility.
– Short Circuit Limitations.
– Protection Arrangements.
– Land Area and Wayleaves.
– Cost.

Final Words:

The blog shared discusses the core details of selecting the right source and process for galvanization. Tanya Galvanizers is the leading one-stop service provider, helping its clients provide galvanization work with quality and precision. Don’t hesitate to contact us to get your job done with us.


Galvanized Steel

Is Galvanized Steel Rust? Here Is The Best Way To Prevent Rusting.

It is not a secret anymore that the materials of buildings are super strong with the help of a chemical bond that forms between raw steel and zinc. For a healthy and robust building structure, the contractors and the owners must have a strong material available only with the help of extremely corrosion galvanized steel materials.

These are the materials that can withstand extreme weather and the materials that are surrounded by steel. Galvanizers is the leading shop destination that keeps the most extensive inventory of standard and custom galvanized steel products based on the requirement of the customers. Also, adhering to necessary thickness standards makes producing these steel galvanizers possible.

But considering all these aspects, it is the builders and the project managers who have one common query for galvanized steel, and that is “rust.” So, to maintain its durability, let us share the details on galvanized steel and a closer look at its coating that helps set the material apart from the rest.

Does Galvanized Steel Rust?

If Rust is a primary concern, then the option here is to use the set of metal that does not rust, and another opportunity to it is either to get it coated. One of the metals that do not rust or that you are looking for is stainless steel. It is the material that carries with it a cost penalty but has a performance level. The undertaking of the process of coating the metal is less expensive, and often it is easy to work with them. 

While thinking of coating the steel, the first thing that comes to mind is getting them painted. It helps the protection look for mild steel performance but does not last long. Hence, the best option is to get it galvanized. But yes, the biggest question is, does galvanized steel rust?

The answer to it is yes and no. The zinc coating applied over the steel’s top is called Galvanization. It helps the steel prevent Rust and corrosion for longer than paint. Want to understand how it is possible, continue the reading further.

Process of Galvanizing Preventing Rust

Let us start by sharing some essential details. Corrosion takes place when the metal breaks down and there is an attack of oxygen at the surface. The decay experienced by iron is the root cause of the materials that have Rust. Iron oxide is created by rusting and the flakes that get away from the body of the metal. It is all, therefore, exposing the new metal to oxygen.

Similarly, some metals do not rust and create an oxide layer. These metals are aluminum and stainless. All these details and services resist the process of further corrosion. Then comes zinc, the metal that does not get rusted, and thus it has an exciting bond with steel.

Thus, if you need the steel coating to be solid and last for a long, the ideal option is to have the galvanization process done with the layer of zinc.

Zinc is the only material that helps prevent oxygen and water from reaching the steel beneath. The process is only possible with the help of zinc formation from a layer of zinc oxide on its surface. Wherever moisture is present, the process of generating zinc carbonate is possible. It further delivers the metal into a dull gray colour that is insoluble in the water and stops any further changes from chemical changes.

Factors Affecting Galvanized Rust

It is a fact that zinc carbonate is insoluble, but that does not means that the process of rusting is not possible. Multiple factors may affect the galvanization rust. Some of the effects to it are,

  • Environmental imbalances cause a humidity level. The approx percentage of humidity measurement is around 60% to 70%.
  • A mixture of salt in the water and air.
  • Conditions where the coating has a frequency of wet or soaked surfaces.
  • Urban atmosphere occurs due to sulphur dioxide.

Similarly, multiple reasons affect galvanization rusting.


Galvanizes is the leading shop destination to help its clients provide the best and most reliable solutions for delivering the best-galvanized materials. To know more in detail, connect with us today!

cable tray

Reasons Why You Should Use A Cable Tray For Cabling Installation

To add wire setup, there is a need to undertake the process of cable tray. It is an important aspect of the process of electrical work and undertaking. The overall process of managing, organizing, supporting, and transporting the cables from one point to another is done efficiently and accurately.

Most of the people who opt for the services think that their work is done and it is the team of professionals who have make their work easy. But it is not the case. The installation of the wiring system is a critical process that is done partially. Here the case is simple, things need to be checked in a different way. All that needs to be checked is understanding the difference between a conduit vs a cable tray system.

The market for cable trays is growing with each passing day, and with a reason for it. The size of the business and popularity is growing eventually. There are huge advantages to using and undertaking the process of considering the installation of a cable tray. Keep reading to learn what it is and why choosing it will benefit you now and in the long run.

Cable Tray- Introduction and Types

Cable trays are one of the ways to organize and support the cables and wires set at the time of wiring. The use of the trays is at the highest point and a better-known alternative to a conduit. While installing cable trays with the conduit system, there is a minor problem with it. It pertains to the distribution of the communications cables and the complexities surrounding them during installation. Considering this point, the overall work becomes costly.

A significant amount of skills and time is required to ensure receiving good standards for installing the cable wires. The implementation and services of conduit can be costly, and hence there are methods and ways to be considered from any of the strengths to make the conduit systems posses.

Cable tray systems are beneficial and also security cables are needed. There are multiple types of cable trays you can pick from when you wish to get the cable tray for businesses and their infrastructure installation.

Here is the list of different types of Cable trays,

  • Ladder trays
  • Channel and wire mesh cable trays
  • Solid bottom slotted cable trays
  • Troughs

To understand which type of cable tray is ideal for your business and requirement, all you can do is consult a team of professionals. 

Let us continue further and understand the core advantages of using Cable Tray. 


Higher Cost Savings: It is an ideal choice for businesses to save money and cost in the overall project. Cable tray installation is best for the infrastructure as it costs less. Also, with it, the time for its structure is at the more downside than other wirings. 

The cable tray results in a significant deliverable and allows any cable to enter and exit along the complete route of the wiring feature. Also, it requires less information to get the installation done with extra accommodation or modifications of wires if needed.

Neat and Tidy Wiring Work: Cable trays have an advantage over the standard wiring process as it requires lesser work with high benefits and offerings. Although, there is a need to have several types of cables and wirings, to operate from a different set of work. Hence, considering all these aspects, the final deliverable of the work is evident and quite neat.

Safety at Higher Level: When there is a work-related to wires and wiring, the first thing that comes to mind is to have security and precautions. Hence, the option of cable tray is the best option available. It comes with an outstanding level of safety and with higher accuracy and precision. Thus, cable tray installation is an excellent source of meeting safety measures.

Enhanced Flexibility Options: The cable tray system is convenient as its installation is based on the available flexible options. It is the work that the client can opt for sooner or later, as it comes with great opportunities. With the overall process of cable trays, there is less labor involvement than in a conduit system. Getting back to your business and regularizing your work is possible with cable trays that will cost less and keep the work ongoing.

Perfect for Indoor and Outdoors: Installing a cable tray is the best option for indoor and outdoor livelihood. The overall cable tray installation helps reduce hazards and resist corrosion. Ibest way to avoid any problem that affects the overall wiring process and methods of the environmental factors.

Final Words:

Galvanizers is the one-stop manufacturing unit that helps clients deliver the best and most accurate cable trays at the best competitive price. To understand which one is the best for your business, all you can do is connect with our team of skilled and experienced professionals today!



A Step-by-Step Guide to What Is Hot-Dip Galvanizing And Its Process.

What is Hot -Dip Galvanizing and It's Process.

Hot dip galvanizing involves coating iron, steel, and ferrous materials with a layer of zinc. The level of achieving good hot dip galvanizing undergoes multiple stages. The material is melt through zinc coating at over 400 degrees Celsius temperature to get accuracy.

The final process that causes the metal to react with carbon dioxide to form zinc carbonate. It is an incredible art with solid material that help to prevent corrosion by protecting the steel from the elements.

Galvanized steel is extensively use as an application with rust resistance, which is critical. The team uses galvanized steel to prepare robust and corrosion-free building materials. So, It is an essential element for small and large building projects.

Let us discuss the process of Hot Dip Galvanizing in detail. 

Process of Hot Dip Galvanizing

Step 1 – Degreasing : It is the first stage, where there is a need to separate the grease and oil. It is done with the help of a hot alkaline cleaning solution.

Step 2 – Rinsing :  The second stage of  hot dip galvanizing process is rinsing. It is essential as it helps remove any alkaline present on the metal or steel surface. Also, to avoid any delay or contact alkaline with a pickling solution, there is a need to properly rinsing to it.

Step 3 – Scale Removal or Pickling : The third stage of hot dip galvanizing helps remove all the dust, surface rust, and mill scale from the metal. The cleaning process is done by putting the steel material in an acid bath.

Step 4 – Rising After Pickling : Once the pickling process is completed, there is a need to get steel appropriately rinsed. It is the stage that help to  remove residual acid or iron salt in the metal. Once the rinsing process is complete, the steel is ready for further processing.

Step 5 – Pre-Fluxing : Before the steel is dip in molten zinc, there is a need to get the surface clean from the material. This steel is clean with the help of dipping the metal into a hot flux solution. It contains zinc ammonium chloride.

Step 6 – Zinc Bath : The metal must undergo a zinc bath to form a protective layer with the steel and It is an important stage of the hot dip galvanizing process.

Step 7 – Finishing : The final process where there is a need to have a finish product delivered to the team. Hence, following this stage will help complete the work effectively and conveniently in galvanizing work.


Galvanizing is a crucial and critical step for the fabrication of steel products. After understanding the complete concept and steps involve in the hot dip galvanizing process, the materials are protected accurately against corrosion and rust. So , Galvanizer is the industry’s leading and trusted name for galvanizing services. To outsource your work or to get the services done, get in touch with us today.

Substation Structures

Hot Dip Galvanization with Substation Structures

The pace of development is rapidly increasing in modern times. With this increasing pace, we also need to ensure that the structures that we develop today are durable and sustainable. Fast energy transmission has been instrumental in this growth journey. 

Substation Structures have played a vital role among all mediums created for transferring electricity. This blog will provide you with a brief overview of substations and how galvanized substations are the future. 

What is a substation? 

Substations are used for power generation in a power station. Their transformers assist in the smooth distribution of electricity and reverse the voltage from high to low. Electricity flows through different power plants and substations at different voltages. The voltage changes based on the demand of the consumers and pre-determined targets. Therefore, substations form the backbone in transferring electricity, so it is important to maintain them through hot dip galvanization. 

Hot dip galvanization

Substation structures remain exposed to climate, heat, dust, and pollution. Therefore, it is essential that they are maintained appropriately. To make them durable and sustained for a longer period of time, it is necessary that they are galvanized. 

Hot dip galvanizing makes these substation structures weatherproof and strong, which helps them resist against various external factors that cause harm to them. One of the most important factors in iron maintenance is the prevention of corrosion. Hot dip galvanization also ensures that these structures are corrosion-resistant. 

Hot Dip Galvanization at Tanya Galvanizers 

Hot dip galvanization is not an easy process. It requires tremendous professional expertise and experience to galvanize substation structures to make them appropriate for energy transmission.

We at Tanya Galvanizers possess more than six decades of experience in the galvanizing industry. Our expertise lies in creating hot dip galvanizing structures suitable to the requirements of a substation. We make the finest quality products to ensure the highest satisfaction of our clients. 

We use various metals and alloys like angels, channels, plates, flats, rounds, zinc, primers, and paints to manufacture a galvanizer. At Tanya Galvanizers, we also abide by the highest testing standards through our scientifically developed and intensive inspection and testing processes. 


Don’t let the effects of weather and pollution affect your substation structures. Protect all your substation structures by getting in touch with us at Tanya Galvanizers

Get in touch with our experts today, and they will provide you with end-to-end galvanizing solutions for all your substations structures.