Maintaining Galvanized Metal Structures-Tanya Galvanizers

Maintaining Galvanized Metal Structures

It could be that the person is interested to know how hot dip galvanized metal structures are to be maintained.

Tips to Protect Galvanized Structures

Given below are the tips that can prove to be useful to protect galvanized structures.

  • It will be necessary to avoid exposure of galvanized steel products for a long time in environments where pH level is above 12 and below 6. Outside pH 6-12 range, the coating is likely to suffer more corrosion than what is normal.

  • Direct contact of galvanized steel product is better avoided with dissimilar metals like copper and brass, especially in corrosive environments. If dissimilar metals need to be used for galvanizing of Cable trays, then make sure an insulator is present between the galvanized product and the dissimilar metal.

  • The galvanized products are not to be abraded clean constantly. Also abrasive washing of the galvanized product is to be avoided completely. One effective way by which steel is protected by galvanizing from corrosion is through the creation of insoluble zinc corrosion products called patina in thin barrier film on the galvanized steel’s outer surface is through exposure to atmosphere. The protective patina is likely to be washed away by abrasive cleaning and the barrier protection will have to be protected once again by the galvanized article, thus consuming more zinc in the process. Zinc will be consumed more quickly due to constant abrasive cleaning, thereby reducing the galvanized steel product’s life.

  • It is possible to clean galvanization of crash barriers by using alkaline based cleaners, water based emulsifier of 12 pH or even lower or some organic solvents. The area is to be then rinsed with fresh water and wiped clean using a soft cloth. The GAA or galvanizer is to be consulted if there are still present any concerns with regards to cleaning the product.

  • For those galvanizing products located in highly corrosive environment, for example, heavy industrial, coastal, etc., the product is recommended to be rinsed regularly using potable water. It should be performed under sheltered conditions (not getting exposed to sun or rain).

  • Also, it is important not to store the galvanized products for a long time in poorly ventilated and damp places. The storage location needs to be dry having proper ventilation.

  • In case the product’s galvanized coating is caused with any type of physical damage like coating getting chipped or fabricated after galvanizing is done, then the damaged area is to be repaired with accordance to AS/NZS 4680. It will be useful to contact the reputed and experienced companies offering galvanizing services in Vadodara.

Cleaning galvanized surfaces

Several ways and methods do exist to treat various types of marks or stains. But any galvanizing cleaning treatment is to be conservative initially and if situation demands can become aggressive. Again, if some type of scrubbing or mechanical abrasion is required, there is recommended tough plastic bristle brush. As discoloration may take place, steel bristle brushes should not be used.

Aesthetic issues might take place due to cleaning of zinc surfaces using mechanical methods. The cleaned areas may contrast with the adjacent untreated surfaces, thus taking a long time to weather for getting uniform in color. Hence, the cleaning method is to be tested first in inconspicuous area, if aesthetic affect is found to be appealing.

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