galvanizing plant

Everything you should know about Galvanizing Plant

In today’s world, protecting metals from corrosion is crucial. Here at Galvanizer, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional hot-dip galvanizing services to ensure the longevity of your metal structures. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? 

What is a Galvanizing Plant?

A galvanizing plant is an industrial facility specializing in applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron products. This process, known as hot-dip galvanizing, significantly enhances the corrosion resistance of the metal, extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.

The Galvanizing Process: A Step-by-Step Look

The hot-dip galvanizing process at Galvanizer involves several meticulous steps:

  1. Surface Preparation: Thorough cleaning removes dirt, oil, and mill scale (a layer of iron oxide) from the metal surface. This ensures a strong bond between the zinc and the steel.
  2. Fluxing: The metal is dipped into a solution (often zinc ammonium chloride) that removes any remaining oxides and promotes even zinc coating.
  3. Hot-Dip Galvanizing: The cleaned and fluxed metal is submerged in a kettle of molten zinc maintained at around 450°C (842°F). A metallurgical reaction occurs, forming a multi-layered zinc-iron alloy coating.
  4. Quenching (Optional): In some cases, the galvanized piece is rapidly cooled in water to achieve a specific surface finish.
  5. Inspection and Finishing: The galvanized product undergoes a final inspection to ensure coating thickness and quality meet required standards.

The Benefits of Galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing offers several advantages, making it a popular choice for various industries:

  • Superior Corrosion Protection: The zinc coating acts as a barrier, preventing rust and extending the lifespan of metal structures by decades.
  • Cost-Effective: Galvanizing is a relatively inexpensive process compared to other corrosion protection methods, offering long-term value.
  • Durable and Low Maintenance: The zinc coating is highly resistant to weathering and it does requires minimal maintenance.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Zinc element occurs naturally, and modern galvanizing practices minimize environmental impact.
  • Versatility: Galvanizing can be applied to a wide range of steel and iron products, from fasteners and pipes to large beams and towers.

Choosing the Right Galvanizing Plant for Your Needs

With numerous galvanizing plants available, here are key factors to consider when making your choice:

  • Experience and Reputation: Look for a company that has proven track record of providing high-quality galvanizing services.
  • Capacity and Capabilities: Ensure the plant can handle the size and quantity of your metal products.
  • Quality Standards: Choose a galvanizer that adheres to industry standards and can provide certifications for coating thickness and quality.
  • Turnaround Time: Consider the lead time required for galvanizing your products to meet your project deadlines.
  • Environmental Practices: Select a plant committed to sustainable practices and minimizing environmental impact.

Galvanizer: Your Partner in Metal Protection

At Galvanizer, we understand the importance of protecting your metal assets. We offer a state-of-the-art galvanizing plant equipped with advanced technology with our team of experienced professionals dedicated to exceeding your expectations.

We prioritize:

  • Quality: Our quality starts with a meticulous pre-treatment process and extends to every stage of galvanizing.
  • Efficiency: Our streamlined processes ensure fast turnaround times without compromising quality.
  • Customer Service: We build strong bondings with our clients and providing exceptional service throughout the process.
  • Sustainability: We prioritize environmentally responsible practices and invest in technologies that minimize waste and emissions.

Contact Galvanizer Today

For all your hot-dip galvanizing needs, contact Galvanizer today. Our expert team will be inquisitive to discuss and provide you with a quote. Let us help you safeguard your metal structures for years to come.

A Step-by-Step Guide to What Is Hot-Dip Galvanizing And Its Process.

What is Hot -Dip Galvanizing and It's Process.

Hot dip galvanizing involves coating iron, steel, and ferrous materials with a layer of zinc. The level of achieving good hot dip galvanizing undergoes multiple stages. The material is melt through zinc coating at over 400 degrees Celsius temperature to get accuracy.

The final process that causes the metal to react with carbon dioxide to form zinc carbonate. It is an incredible art with solid material that help to prevent corrosion by protecting the steel from the elements.

Galvanized steel is extensively use as an application with rust resistance, which is critical. The team uses galvanized steel to prepare robust and corrosion-free building materials. So, It is an essential element for small and large building projects.

Let us discuss the process of Hot Dip Galvanizing in detail. 

Process of Hot Dip Galvanizing

Step 1 – Degreasing : It is the first stage, where there is a need to separate the grease and oil. It is done with the help of a hot alkaline cleaning solution.

Step 2 – Rinsing :  The second stage of  hot dip galvanizing process is rinsing. It is essential as it helps remove any alkaline present on the metal or steel surface. Also, to avoid any delay or contact alkaline with a pickling solution, there is a need to properly rinsing to it.

Step 3 – Scale Removal or Pickling : The third stage of hot dip galvanizing helps remove all the dust, surface rust, and mill scale from the metal. The cleaning process is done by putting the steel material in an acid bath.

Step 4 – Rising After Pickling : Once the pickling process is completed, there is a need to get steel appropriately rinsed. It is the stage that help to  remove residual acid or iron salt in the metal. Once the rinsing process is complete, the steel is ready for further processing.

Step 5 – Pre-Fluxing : Before the steel is dip in molten zinc, there is a need to get the surface clean from the material. This steel is clean with the help of dipping the metal into a hot flux solution. It contains zinc ammonium chloride.

Step 6 – Zinc Bath : The metal must undergo a zinc bath to form a protective layer with the steel and It is an important stage of the hot dip galvanizing process.

Step 7 – Finishing : The final process where there is a need to have a finish product delivered to the team. Hence, following this stage will help complete the work effectively and conveniently in galvanizing work.


Galvanizing is a crucial and critical step for the fabrication of steel products. After understanding the complete concept and steps involve in the hot dip galvanizing process, the materials are protected accurately against corrosion and rust. So , Galvanizer is the industry’s leading and trusted name for galvanizing services. To outsource your work or to get the services done, get in touch with us today.

Substation Structures

Hot Dip Galvanization with Substation Structures

The pace of development is rapidly increasing in modern times. With this increasing pace, we also need to ensure that the structures that we develop today are durable and sustainable. Fast energy transmission has been instrumental in this growth journey. 

Substation Structures have played a vital role among all mediums created for transferring electricity. This blog will provide you with a brief overview of substations and how galvanized substations are the future. 

What is a substation? 

Substations are used for power generation in a power station. Their transformers assist in the smooth distribution of electricity and reverse the voltage from high to low. Electricity flows through different power plants and substations at different voltages. The voltage changes based on the demand of the consumers and pre-determined targets. Therefore, substations form the backbone in transferring electricity, so it is important to maintain them through hot dip galvanization. 

Hot dip galvanization

Substation structures remain exposed to climate, heat, dust, and pollution. Therefore, it is essential that they are maintained appropriately. To make them durable and sustained for a longer period of time, it is necessary that they are galvanized. 

Hot dip galvanizing makes these substation structures weatherproof and strong, which helps them resist against various external factors that cause harm to them. One of the most important factors in iron maintenance is the prevention of corrosion. Hot dip galvanization also ensures that these structures are corrosion-resistant. 

Hot Dip Galvanization at Tanya Galvanizers 

Hot dip galvanization is not an easy process. It requires tremendous professional expertise and experience to galvanize substation structures to make them appropriate for energy transmission.

We at Tanya Galvanizers possess more than six decades of experience in the galvanizing industry. Our expertise lies in creating hot dip galvanizing structures suitable to the requirements of a substation. We make the finest quality products to ensure the highest satisfaction of our clients. 

We use various metals and alloys like angels, channels, plates, flats, rounds, zinc, primers, and paints to manufacture a galvanizer. At Tanya Galvanizers, we also abide by the highest testing standards through our scientifically developed and intensive inspection and testing processes. 


Don’t let the effects of weather and pollution affect your substation structures. Protect all your substation structures by getting in touch with us at Tanya Galvanizers

Get in touch with our experts today, and they will provide you with end-to-end galvanizing solutions for all your substations structures. 


Differences Between Hot-Dipped Galvanization & Pre-Galvanizing

Differences Between Hot-Dipped Galvanization & Pre-Galvanizing

Galvanizing is one of the widely used methods for protecting metals from corrosion. It involves applying a thin zinc coating to a thicker base metal like iron metal. The process helps to shield the metal from the surrounding environment. When a metal undergoes galvanization, it does not experience any corrosion. However, without the zinc coating, the metal remains exposed to the elements and potentially oxidizes and corrodes faster. There are several ways of galvanizing metals, including hot-dipped galvanization and pre-galvanizing.

Hot-Dipped Galvanization vs. Pre-Galvanizing: What Are They?

As the name suggests, in hot-dipped galvanization, experts dip the steel in hot, molten zinc. When the zinc coats the steel, a metallurgical reaction occurs between the iron component of the steel and the hot zinc. The reaction known as the diffusion process occurs when the coating collects perpendicular to every surface, creating a uniform thickness.

When the expert removes the steel from the zinc bath, it reacts with the oxygen in the air to form zinc oxide. It then reacts with carbon dioxide and forms the final protective coating of zinc carbonate. With multi-layered zinc coating and iron-zinc alloy, the steel becomes corrosion-resistant.

Pre-galvanizing, also called mill galvanizing, is another galvanizing process close to ho-dipped galvanizing. However, this process occurs at the very first stage of production. The process takes place at steel mills that have a specific shape. Pre-galvanizing involves a few steps of hot-dip galvanizing, like cleaning the surface, hot zinc bathing, and recoiling.

Key Differences Between Hot-Dipped Galvanizing and Pre-Galvanizing

Differences Between Hot-Dipped Galvanization & Pre-Galvanizing

Application Comparison

Hot-dipped galvanization is an economical choice that you can execute on simple and complex shapes. Experts use it on objects fabricated beforehand and yet not galvanized. The hot-dipped galvanization plays the last step.

On the other hand, a metal requires undergoing pre-galvanizing at the first production stage. It mainly occurs at the mill and later undergoes cutting into size and fabrication.

Coating Comparison

Since the galvanizing process involves the application of a protective coating for the steel and metals, it is essential to consider the coating finish of the two methods of manufacturing galvanized steel.

Coating Thickness

Although both methods result in uniform thickness, the hot-dipped galvanization produces a thicker layer of protection than the other method.

Coating Continually

Hot-dipped galvanizing requires dipping the entire steel and other metals into the molten vat of zinc. The galvanized steel comes with a continuous coating over the surface. On the other hand, pre-galvanizing requires performing before cutting the sheets into perfect sizes and pieces; therefore, the cut edges do not undergo any coating.

Coating Formability

Since the process of pre-galvanizing undergoes at the mills, any coating applied after cutting the metals does not damage the layer. On the other hand, coating formability applied on hot-dipped galvanized steel is not advisable, as it might damage the protective coating of the products.

Coating Appearance

The hot-dipped galvanization forms a bright finish for the galvanized steel, which might or might not be uniform. On the other hand, the pre-galvanizing process produces a uniform bright finish for the coating.

There are numerous differences between hot-dipped and pre-galvanizing processes. Understanding the differences helps in choosing suitable methods and products for different projects.


How Effective and Durable is Hot Dip Galvanization

The process of galvanization is extremely crucial when it comes to businesses dealing with metal industry. The main reason being galvanization protects the metal from all natural elements increasing the longevity of the metal. Over the years through successful testing, application and research it has been discovered that hot dip galvanization is the most successful in protecting metals for longer period of time, than any other galvanization.

Let’s take a look at what hot dip galvanization is, and how effective and durable it is!

What is Hot Dip Galvanization?

Hot-dip galvanizing process is one of the most used application of galvanizing process. This process highlights coating a steel or iron object by submerging it into a bath of molten zinc. The bath of molten zinc showcases temperatures around 840°F (449°C). Once removed from the bath, the zinc coating on the iron or steel’s exterior reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere to form (ZnO) Zinc oxide. This Zinc oxide further reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form a more compact protective layer known as (ZnCO3) Zinc carbonate. This Zinc carbonate reflects a dull grayish film, which is relatively stable and adheres tightly to the surface of the steel or iron. This results in the hot-dip galvanizing process to create a chemical balance, which ensures that the zinc is chemically bonded to the underlying metal and becomes part of the steel or metal that is being protected through the hot dip galvanizing process.

It is because of this reason Hot Dip Galvanization comes with many benefit, some of which are:

Application level benefits of Hot Dip Galvanization

  • It is a chemical bonding process and hence is un-reactive to regular corrosion process like salt water and rainfall
  • The use of hot dip process is generally applied to metal that will be exposed to natural element. And can be used for any size of metal.
  • Easily lasts up to 10 years – but there are historical data evidences suggesting Hot dip galvanization if performed with highest accuracy has been seen to deliver protection and longevity between 34 to 170 years for steel.
  • Hot dip galvanization is developed from chemical bonding process and hence is more resistant to corrosion.
  • The coating thickness of zinc is extremely high with uneven rough finish making it absolutely perfect handle even the worst of environment conditions
  • Surface layer is much thicker and rougher after the hot dip galvanization is done creating a larger surface tension against corrosion and hence allows the metal to last a longer period of time.

These benefits clearly showcases that hot dip Galvanizing is absolutely ideal to protect steel and other metals against elemental challenge that cause corrosion. Further the chemical bonding structure allows it to stand un-reactive clearly indicating the lost lasting durability that hot dip galvanization have over other galvanization processes.  

So if you are looking for hot dip galvanization for your steel or other metal structures you can get in touch with us, we would be happy to help you.

Why Choose Galvanizer

At Galvanizer our team work relentlessly to come up with innovation’s that can deliver you ultimate experience of galvanized products. Our multi-lateral testing and development process ensures delivering our client premiere quality of galvanizing process. With decades of industry experience we offer nothing but the best. We provide assistance in helping you select the best solution for your metal business. To know more on service and business related inquiry get in touch with us.

Importance of Crash barrier Hot Dip Galvanizing

What is Hot Dip Galvanizing?

The process of zinc coating on steel and Iron is known as Hot Dip Galvanizing. This process is widely followed to increase the life of the base metal and to ensure that the base metal does not rust with time. Be it a fabricated or an unfabricated piece of metal, the molten zinc is used to coat the base metal at about 840 degree Fahrenheit while performing a Hot Dip Galvanizing.

What is Crash Barrier?

 Crash barrier is a strong fencing system used usually to barricade roads to avoid accidents or crashes. These fencings are made of solid metals acting as strong protection by the sides.

How does a galvanized crash barrier more efficient?

Galvanizing the crash barriers is the smartest option versus any other paint-on options. This process of galvanizing makes the crash barriers more durable and stronger as it gives a complete coverage. The zinc coat also makes the fences more absorbent to shock as these are abrasion resistant. Galvanizing the barriers also helps as the zinc coating grows parallel on the steel making the edges and corners the same thick. 

Crash barrier hot-dip galvanizing acts as an extra protection when a sudden major accident takes place. This is more in demand when fencing on the highways to avoid fatal incidents. 

Be a part of the environment

Zinc as being a renewable resource and available in abundance makes it more environment friendly option. Also, in the process of galvanizing the zinc does not lose its properties making it even more recyclable.

Crash Barrier is of different types including Roadside, Median, Bridge and work zone barriers. 

Galvanizers make it easy for you to get the safest and the most affordable Crash barrier hot-dip galvanizing possible. They followed a step by step process to ensure galvanizing done right, keeping it safe being on the road. They ensure the best quality of hot-dip galvanizing making it possible for the crash barriers to sustain longer in extreme exposure to the environment.

Inspection of the Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process

Inspection of the Hot Dipped Galvanizing Process

Hot dip galvanizing is the process of application of a zinc coating to steel and iron. The process involves dipping of both unfabricated as well as fabricated pieces of steel, or iron into a bath of molten zinc at about 840 degrees Fahrenheit. Galvanization is done to enhance the ability of the base metal that is iron or steel to last for a longer duration of time without getting corroded or rusted. It is precisely where the importance of galvanizing lies. 

Now, before the hot dipped galvanizing process a lot of steps are carried out to make sure that the entire process is carried out in a smooth and uninterrupted manner. In addition to this, utmost care is taken during the entire process to ensure that the intended results are obtained. The final step in the process of galvanization is inspection. Inspection of hot dipped galvanizing process refers to process of checking of the end product after the completion of the galvanizing process. The inspection of hot dip galvanizing process primarily focuses on the following two points. 

The thickness of zinc coating on the base metal 

The thickness of the coating determines the time frame of protection. Usually, the thicker is the coating of zinc, the longer is the expected life span of the base metal. Here are a few important things to consider.

  • Local coating thickness – It is the mean value of the zinc coating that is obtained from the specified number of measurements within an area of reference
  • Mean coating thickness – It refers to the average value of the local thicknesses on the different base metal pieces in the control sample

The appearance of the zinc coating on the base metal

The appearance after the hot dipped galvanization process refers to the visual inspection that checks for any sharp drops or points or any kind of irregularities. Here are the essential points to consider while inspecting the appearance of the zinc coating.

  • While inspecting visually, the coating of zinc must be free from any sharp points or drops
  • There should not be any irregularities 
  • No areas should be uncoated
  • Presence of any kinds of lighter or darker grey spots 

All the points mentioned above should be carefully inspected to make sure that the end product of hot dipped galvanization process are perfect in all aspects and are ideally suited for the intended purpose of use. 


Difference between Hot dip galvanizing and Boronizing-Tanya Galvanizers

Difference Between Hot Dip Galvanizing and Boronizing

Hot dip galvanizing and boronizing are two different processes that involves coating of a base metal or alloy to enhance its life to a significant extent. Both the process forms a protective surface layer on the chosen base metal or alloy but each of the processes are completely different from each other. To learn about the difference between these two processes, let us delve a bit deeper into each process. 

Hot Dip Galvanizing 

Hot dip galvanizing is a process in which the base metal usually steel is dipped into a bath of molten zinc at high temperatures of about 450 degrees Celsius or 840 degrees Fahrenheit. Before dipping, the base metal or steel is cleaned in a caustic solution for removal of dirt and then passed through an acidic solution for removing flakes of iron oxide. The base metal is further cleaned with the help of a chemical cleaning agent like ammonium chloride so that the bonding of the base metal with zinc can be better. 


Boronizing, on the other hand, is process of surface hardening of steel. It is a thermo chemical process for hardening the surface of the base metal usually steel. In this process, boron is added to the base metal or alloy where the atoms of boron are diffused into the surface of the base metal. 

Difference in Functionality

Now, we are clear with the differences between the two processes. Next, we would be learning about the functional differences or the beneficial difference between hot dip galvanizing and boronizing. 

  • Hot dip galvanization of steel helps in the improvement of the corrosion resistance capacity of steel of aby other base metal used. But on the other hand, boronizing case hardens the base metal, thereby providing even higher or superior corrosion resistance. 
  • Boronizing plays a vital role prevention of wear and tear of the base metal, thereby making sure that the base metal becomes highly durable in nature. Reduced wear and tear provide the base metal with great capacity to withstand any external elements without any kind of compromise in the functionality of the base metal so boronized.  
  • Hot dip galvanization only helps in the improvement of the corrosion resistance capacity of the base metal. But boronizing not only case hardens the surface of the base metal but also plays a significant role in improving the temperature stability along with several other mechanical properties of the base metal. 

Why Prashant Galvanizers?

If you are looking forward to premium quality hot dip galvanizing services or boronizing services, do not look any further and come to Prashant Galvanizers. With several years of experience and expertise in this field, Prashant Galvanizers have emerged as one of the top service providers in this field. So, for all sorts of galvanizing or boronizing requirements, all that the users need to do is to get in touch with the expert and dedicated team of Prashant Galvanizers for the best solutions. 

Key Considerations for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Key Considerations for Hot Dip Galvanizing

Hot dip galvanizing is a process where a piece of base metal is immersed into a bath of molten zinc for enhancing the durability and functionality of the base metal. After the completion of the hot dip galvanization process, the base metal is resistant to corrosion and hence appropriately suitable for the intended purpose of use. But the users need to make sure to choose a trusted, reputed, and reliable service provider so that the best practices are followed for the optimum quality galvanizing. One of the most important rules to be followed during the process is that the designer, fabricator, as well as the galvanizer should work together. An appropriate three-way communication plays a vital role in the elimination of most of the problems in the hot dip galvanization process.

To make the entire process smooth and hassle free, we have listed a few of the key considerations for the hot dip galvanizing process. 

Removal of Soil and Grease – Oil, grease, shop oil, and soluble paints are to be removed from the base metal with the help of a hot alkaline cleaner. On the other hand, soils like vinyl, epoxies, welding slag, and asphalt should be removed by grit blasting or other mechanical process of cleaning. 

Pickling – It is the process of chemically cleaning the surface of the base metal. An acid bath is used for the removal of rust and mill scale for providing a chemically clean surface of the base metal. It would be ideal to use hydrochloric acid since it is more environment friendly and does not affect the surface of the base metal. 

Prefluxing – The base metal which is usually steel needs to be immersed in a liquid flux for the removal of oxides and prevent oxidation before finally dipping it into the bath of molten zinc. It would be ideal to use zinc ammonium chloride solution for Prefluxing process.

Galvanizing – The prepared base metal then needs to be immersed into a bath of molten zinc at about 455 degree Celsius or 850 degree Fahrenheit to ensure appropriate metallurgical bonding of zinc to the base metal. 

Finishing – Once the metal is withdrawn from the molten zinc bath, it is essential to remove the excess zinc by draining, vibrating, or centrifuging. Next, it is important to cool the galvanized item in air or by quenching in water. The air quenching process takes a bit longer as compared to the water quenching method but it results in a much better surface finish, and hence an important consideration in architecturally exposed steel. 

Checking or Inspection – Checking or inspection of the final product is the ultimate step as well as consideration in the hot dip galvanizing process. In this step, the thickness and the surface conditions are checked for meeting the quality criteria. 

All these key considerations mentioned above would make sure that the base metal is appropriately galvanized. In this regard, it would be ideal to call in for the helps of a professional service provider for getting the best solutions. In this situation, Prashant Galvanizers would undoubtedly the ideal choice. With several years of experience in this field, Prashant Galvanizers makes sure to provide optimum quality galvanization so that none of the users get even a single chance to complain. So, for all your galvanization requirements, get in touch with the team of Prashant Galvanizers at the earliest. 

Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara-Tanya Galvanizers

Hot Dipped Galvanizing Services In Vadodara

At Vadodara, there are many providers of hot-dipped galvanizing services. However, if you want a reliable and cost-saving service then contact us at Tanya Galvanizers. We have always emphasized quality before quantity and all the services given by us to the companies have been appreciated. 

We do galvanizing works for both public and private sectors like railways, telecommunication, power etc. A well-organized and highly advanced infrastructure helps us in standing apart from our competitors. The sophisticated infrastructure helps us in providing quality products and services.

The services we provide include channel sleepers, lifting barriers, clamps, cross-bracing arms, E- brackets, danger boards/clamps, top channels for pin insulators, height gates and footbridges for the railways and items like ‘V’ cross arms among others. We have modern machinery, latest technology and well-expereinced engineers who produce quality products at customized prices. 

We also commission and install hot-dip galvanizing plants for our customers. We provide consultancy only to our trusted clients at present.