Crash Barrier

How Zinc Galvanizing Protects Crash Barriers and Saves Lives

Crash barrier are essential safety features on roads, designed to prevent vehicles from veering off the road and to minimize the impact of collisions. Ensuring their durability and effectiveness is critical for road safety.

Zinc galvanizing, a process that involves coating steel with a layer of zinc, has proven to be an effective method for enhancing the longevity and performance of crash barriers. This blog delves into how zinc galvanizing protects crash barriers and ultimately saves lives.

Crash Barrier for Road Safety

Crash barrier are engineered to absorb and dissipate the energy of a vehicle impact, reducing the risk of serious injuries or fatalities. They are commonly found on highways, bridges, and sharp curves where the likelihood of accidents is high. The effectiveness of these barriers is contingent upon their structural integrity and resistance to environmental factors such as corrosion.

The Process of Zinc Galvanizing

Zinc galvanizing involves immersing steel components in molten zinc, forming a metallurgical bond that results in a robust and corrosion-resistant coating. This process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Surface Preparation: The steel surface is cleaned to remove impurities, rust, and scale through processes like degreasing, pickling, and fluxing.
  2. Galvanizing: The cleaned steel is dipped into a bath of molten zinc, which reacts with the steel to form multiple layers of zinc-iron alloy.
  3. Cooling and Inspection: The coated steel is cooled and inspected for uniformity and coating thickness.

Benefits of Zinc Galvanizing for Crash Barriers

  1. Corrosion Resistance: Zinc galvanizing provides superior protection against corrosion. The zinc coating helps in preventing moisture along with other corrosive elements from reaching the steel. This is particularly important for crash barriers exposed to harsh weather conditions, de-icing salts, and pollutants.
  2. Long-Lasting Protection: Galvanized steel can last several decades without significant maintenance, ensuring that crash barriers remain functional over extended periods. This longevity reduces the need for frequent replacements and repairs, which can be costly and disruptive to traffic.
  3. Sacrificial Protection: Zinc galvanizing offers sacrificial protection, meaning that the zinc layer will corrode preferentially to the steel. Even if the coating is damaged, one does not have to worry. As the exposed steel will remain protected by the surrounding zinc. Such a process helps in prolonging the barrier’s lifespan.
  4. Impact Resistance: The metallurgical bond formed during the galvanizing process enhances the impact resistance of the steel, making crash barriers more robust in the event of a collision. This ensures that the barriers can effectively absorb and dissipate impact energy, reducing the severity of accidents.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: While the initial cost of galvanizing might be higher than other protective coatings, the long-term savings are substantial. Reduced maintenance, longer service life, and decreased frequency of replacements make zinc galvanizing a cost-effective solution for crash barriers.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Several real-world examples highlight the effectiveness of zinc-galvanized crash barriers. For instance, in coastal regions where saltwater exposure accelerates corrosion, galvanized crash barriers have demonstrated remarkable durability and performance. Similarly, in areas with extreme weather conditions, such as heavy snowfall or high humidity, galvanized barriers have maintained their integrity and continued to provide reliable protection.

Environmental Considerations

Zinc galvanizing is an environmentally friendly process. Zinc is a naturally occurring element that is essential for all living organisms, and the galvanizing process produces minimal waste. Additionally, galvanized steel is fully recyclable.


Zinc galvanizing plays a pivotal role in enhancing the safety and longevity of crash barriers. By providing superior corrosion resistance, impact durability, and cost-effectiveness, galvanized crash barriers ensure that our roads are safer and more reliable. Investing in zinc-galvanized crash barriers is not just a financial decision but a commitment to saving lives and protecting infrastructure for years to come.

Why Galvanizing Utilizes Zinc Instead Of Copper

Why Galvanizing Utilizes Zinc Instead of Copper?

Galvanization is essential to ensure metal products’ safety and long-term durability. It is a protective shield that increases metal products’ progression ratio during construction. Galvanization protects steel, iron, or other metal from rusting because it is covered with a layer of zinc known as the protective shield. In standard terms, it is said that galvanizing Zinc is the base to protect the reactive metal against harmful elements, increase the level of corrosion, and may cause damage.

Galvanization Using Zinc

As per the research conducted, it is found that zinc is the most effective way used in galvanization today. This is because the reactive level is more than aluminium. Aluminium tends to be more reactive than cadmium, which is faster than cast iron. In that order, if we check, it is further found that cast iron reacted faster than carbon steel, stainless steel, lead, and solder. Similarly, other metal sets are more reactive than tin and copper.

Based on the overall study and research, it gives a clear understanding that the more the metals are protected from reactive substances, the less the reaction seen in the metal rusting. Hence, other irons and steels are less reactive when covered with hot-dip galvanization, which has zinc to protect others against oxidation.

Reason Zinc is Preferred for Galvanization and not Copper

Galvanization is the process that demands a work of hot-dip zinc coating, which forms a safety layer for steel and iron to form a durable shield from corrosive particles. Once the galvanization is done in hot-dip zinc, it creates a barrier which reacts with the atmosphere, forming a compact later of safety insoluble in water. It is all because zinc is a sacrificial anode helping the base metal to have a protection layer even when the coating is scratched.

Further, the core reason why copper is not used for galvanization is because the protective layer for the metal is less and has a high reaction rate on steel and iron. It, therefore, raises the level of damage to the materials and reduces the shelf life of metals used during the construction. Hence, the architects and the engineers specifically demand the metal into hot-dip galvanization in zinc, as it increases the durability of the material to a great extent with the process of accepting the climatic conditions.

Final Words

Tanya Galvanizers is the trusted unit where we assist our clients in understanding the importance of the Galvanization process in Zinc. Our experience in the industry enables us to know the exact requirements of our clients to ensure that they meet all safety measures concerning the overall construction project.

Zinc Galvanizing for Sub Station Structures a must-Tanya Galvanizers

Zinc Galvanizing For SubStation Structures A Must

Substation structures are a set of complex equipment made metals consolidated together to ensure reduction of high voltage electricity. It is because of this reason substation structure are placed outside in open places with bare minimum shade covering, since it handles transmission flow. This placement of the substation structures in the open places results in its exposure to natural elements on a regular basis. This results in corrosion of the structure since they are made from metals. Further because of the substation structures primary function it handles a large amount of heat and energy exposure that also contributes to its corrosion. It is because of this reason it is extremely important for substation structure to have proper elementary coating on its metal surfaces in order to avoid corrosion.

The solution to this corrosion issue was defined through zinc galvanization process. Let’s take a look at what is Zinc galvanizing process and why it is a must for substation structures.

What is Zinc Galvanization Process?

Zinc galvanizing process is one of the most used application of galvanizing process. This process highlights coating a steel or iron object by submerging it into a bath of molten zinc. The bath of molten zinc showcases temperatures around 840°F (449°C). Once removed from the bath, the zinc coating on the iron or steel’s exterior reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere to form (ZnO) Zinc oxide. This Zinc oxide further reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form a more compact protective layer known as (ZnCO3) Zinc carbonate. This Zinc carbonate reflects a dull grayish film, which is relatively stable and adheres tightly to the surface of the steel or iron. This results in the zinc galvanizing process to create a chemical balance, which ensures that the zinc is chemically bonded to the underlying metal and becomes part of the steel or metal that is being protected through the zinc galvanizing process.

Why Zinc Galvanization is Must for Sub Station Structure?

Substation structures are always exposed to natural elements that result in corrosion effect on the metals that are used to develop the substation. Further, with the substation structure continuously functioning with energy resource the corrosion effect increases overtime at a faster pace. Yet substations cannot be shut down because of the important transmission operational role it plays in managing energy. Further the metals used to develop the substation are of huge cost and value and corrosion can result in decay of the metal overtime resulting in rise of maintenance cost. It is because of this reason it is extremely important to zinc galvanize substation structure. Since zinc galvanization process will prevent the substation structure from corrosion and also safe guard it financially from huge losses that may happen because of decay in such costly metals. This in turn will allow substation structures to come across profound advantages.

Advantages of Zinc Galvanization on Substation Structure

There are many advantages that a substation structure can enjoy from zinc galvanization. They are as follow:

  • Prevention of metals from corrosion through exposure to natural elements
  • Prevention of metal decay from exposure regular energy transmission
  • Safeguard against huge financial losses because of metal decay and corrosion process
  • Lower the annual maintenance cost
  • One time investment because of zinc galvanization that can create protection for decades

It is because of these advantages that a substation structure can enjoy because of zinc galvanization, it is must for the structure to prevent any physical damages.

So if you own a substation and are looking for zinc galvanization of your substation structure then get in touch with us. We would be happy to help you.

Why Choose Tanya Galvanizers?

At Tanya Galvanizer our team work relentlessly to come up with innovation’s that can deliver you ultimate experience of galvanized products. Our multi-lateral testing and development process ensures delivering our client premiere quality of galvanizing process. With decades of industry experience we offer nothing but the best. We provide assistance in helping you select the best galvanizing solution for your metal requirements. To know more on service and business related inquiry get in touch with us.