Substation Structures

Hot Dip Galvanization with Substation Structures

The pace of development is rapidly increasing in modern times. With this increasing pace, we also need to ensure that the structures that we develop today are durable and sustainable. Fast energy transmission has been instrumental in this growth journey. 

Substation Structures have played a vital role among all mediums created for transferring electricity. This blog will provide you with a brief overview of substations and how galvanized substations are the future. 

What is a substation? 

Substations are used for power generation in a power station. Their transformers assist in the smooth distribution of electricity and reverse the voltage from high to low. Electricity flows through different power plants and substations at different voltages. The voltage changes based on the demand of the consumers and pre-determined targets. Therefore, substations form the backbone in transferring electricity, so it is important to maintain them through hot dip galvanization. 

Hot dip galvanization

Substation structures remain exposed to climate, heat, dust, and pollution. Therefore, it is essential that they are maintained appropriately. To make them durable and sustained for a longer period of time, it is necessary that they are galvanized. 

Hot dip galvanizing makes these substation structures weatherproof and strong, which helps them resist against various external factors that cause harm to them. One of the most important factors in iron maintenance is the prevention of corrosion. Hot dip galvanization also ensures that these structures are corrosion-resistant. 

Hot Dip Galvanization at Tanya Galvanizers 

Hot dip galvanization is not an easy process. It requires tremendous professional expertise and experience to galvanize substation structures to make them appropriate for energy transmission.

We at Tanya Galvanizers possess more than six decades of experience in the galvanizing industry. Our expertise lies in creating hot dip galvanizing structures suitable to the requirements of a substation. We make the finest quality products to ensure the highest satisfaction of our clients. 

We use various metals and alloys like angels, channels, plates, flats, rounds, zinc, primers, and paints to manufacture a galvanizer. At Tanya Galvanizers, we also abide by the highest testing standards through our scientifically developed and intensive inspection and testing processes. 


Don’t let the effects of weather and pollution affect your substation structures. Protect all your substation structures by getting in touch with us at Tanya Galvanizers

Get in touch with our experts today, and they will provide you with end-to-end galvanizing solutions for all your substations structures. 



Top Quality Galvanizing Services For Earthing Materials

Electricity is one of the critical and essential elements of modern life. We cannot imagine our lives without electricity. It has increased the offerings to the people with great power and superior quality. 

The knowledge and power they gain have now made livelihood easier and more convenient. No doubt, electricity has made life convenient and easy, but several aspects need to be taken into consideration that help keep us safe and acceptable. One of the essential aspects present in the electrical layout is regarded to have proper and accurate earthing materials. The material is part of the layout considered in offices, residences, commercial places, and streets.

The earthing material can be considered safe and secure only when the material used is of high and superior quality. Considering this stage there will be a possibility of electrocution and short circuit. Nowadays, a majority of houses are said to have delicate electrical gadgets used on a day-to-day basis. So, for them, it is necessary to have accuracy and stability of proper current supply and high-end earthing electrical materials.

The objective of Earthing Material

The objective of having proper Galvanizing of earthing materials is to avoid any kind of hazards that may occur by shocks or burns. It is known to be a helping resource that helps retain stability and offers protection against all electrical odds. To avoid any kind of faulty electricity flowing through, these earthing materials tend to have an alternative channel. This way, it ensures that the actual current flow is not hampered in any manner and that the gadgets and users are kept safe.

Uses of Earthing Materials:

Let us now proceed further and have a look at the core uses of having these earthing materials.

  • Earthing pipes: These pipes are commonly used as the application that is required for power transmission. It is known to be one of the best quality pipes created from copper and GI. The pipe needs to be installed quickly and come with robust construction to last a lifetime.
  • Earthing wire: One of the core features required for earthing. These wires are created from highly superior quality GI and copper material. These wires are used in different electronic, automobile, and electrical instruments. Not only these, but the cables formed are also from one of the best quality galvanized metals that are shock resistant and with great durability. The wires are sturdy and could last a lifetime as hot-dip galvanized material is used.


  • Earthing strips: While working on an electrical project, it is necessary to have earthing strips in it. Thus, there is a need and necessity to have a proper balance between thermal and electrical conductivity. It has a great variety of thicknesses and has a range defined. Range may vary between 3 and 6mm and width of 15 to 100mm. Such strips are created from aluminum, GI, and copper.


  • Earthing plates: The residential and commercial places do make use of earthing plates to provide shock resistance. Such plates are developed from galvanized materials to ensure high durability, amazing shock resistance, and safety.

How to select good quality earthing materials?

We at Galvanizers are the leading name in the market for providing the best quality of galvanizing material for the purpose of earthing wires, strips, and plates. With top-quality earthing materials and having expertise in manufacturing the materials that can be used for residential and commercial use, we are the name in the market. Contact us today to book your order with us.

Galvanizers, the company itself is the name in the market to provide highly imperative earthing materials that are the current need and demand for the market. So, whether it is a construction project going on, or redevelopment of old properties, earthing materials are required at the top. 

Galvanizing of Earthing Material is Integral | Tanya Galvanizers

Galvanizing of Earthing Material is Integral | Tanya Galvanizers

Electricity is considered to be among the most essential of all things that is desired in today’s modern life. Without electricity, living and surviving is just impossible. In the last couple of decades, electrical engineering has developed a lot, thus offering people with superior quality gadgets and materials to make their lives convenient and easy. Although electricity is said to have made lives much easier, several things are to be taken into consideration for having safe use. One essential part of the electrical layout in offices, residences, commercial places as well as on streets is regarded to be earthing material .

It is only when superior quality materials get used that earthing can be termed to be completely safe. The chances of electrocution and short circuit are always there. Every home is said to come with delicate electrical gadgets such as washing machine, fridge, microwave oven, food processor and the like that requires stability in its current supplies.

Its Main Objective

Galvanizing of Earthing Material helps to retain flow stability and offer protection against burns and shocks including from other hazards. The objective behind laying of the earthing is to offer alternative channel to faulty electricity for flowing through. This way, it ensures that the actual current flow is not hampered in any manner and the gadgets and users are kept safe.

Main uses

It is necessary to wisely choose the earthing materials. The types of materials which are necessary to lay the earthing channels have been mentioned below:

  • Earthing pipes: They are commonly called as pipe electrodes and are use generally for power transmission application. It is only the best pipes that are to be used that are created from copper and GI. The pipe needs to be installed easily and come with robust construction, so as to last for a lifetime.
  • Earthing wire: It is an important material that is necessary for earthing. They are created from superior quality GI or copper and could be used in different electronic, automobile and electrical instruments. Also, they are created from the best quality galvanized metal, offering great shock resistance and better durability. The wires are made sturdy and could last a lifetime as hot dip galvanized material is used.
  • Earthing strips: It is necessary to balance thermal and electrical conductivity. These are necessary and found in wide variety of thickness. Range may vary between 3 and 6mm and width of 15 to 100mm. Such strips are created from aluminum, GI and copper.
  • Earthing plates: The residential and commercial places do make use of earthing plates to provide shock resistance. Such plates are developed from galvanized materials to ensure high durability, amazing shock resistance and safety.

                   Read more : Earthing pipes | Earthing wire | Earthing strips | Earthing plates

How to select good quality earthing material?

When trying to search for the best quality galvanizing material for the purpose of earthing, it can prove to be a wonderful decision to make the right decision and to shorten the search time period. There are reputed companies in the domain that does offer its clients with top quality earthing materials that can be used for residential and commercial use.

Click here for more information or Contact us: or Call +91 80008 42648.

Earthing Materials Galvanizers

Why Do You Need Earthing Material?

One of the most essential things in our modern day life is electricity. It is needless to say that without electricity it is just impossible to live and survive. Electrical engineering has developed immensely in the past few decades providing us with quality materials and gadgets that have made our life easy and convenient. While electricity has made our lives easy there are few things that need to be taken care of in order to have a safe use. Earthing is one of the most essential parts of any electrical layout in residences, offices, commercial places and even on streets.

Earthing can only be completely safe if high quality materials are used. Otherwise there always remains a chance of short circuit and electrocution. Every home has delicate electrical gadgets like fridge, washing machine, microwave oven and food processor which require stability in the current supply.

Main Objective Of Earthing

Earthing helps in keeping the stability of the flow while providing constant protection against shocks and burns and other hazards. The main objective behind a lying of earthing is to provide an alternative channel for the faulty electricity to flow through so that it does not hamper the actual flow of current and keep the users and gadgets safe.

What Are The Main Uses Of Earthing Material?

Earthing Materials are important and you need to choose them wisely. The materials that are required for laying of the earthing channels are:

  • Earthing Pipes – These are commonly known as pipe electrodes that are generally used for applications of power transmission. The best pies that are available in the market and should be used should be made from GI and copper. The pipes should be easy to install with robust construction that can last a lifetime.

  • Earthing Strips – These are required for balancing electrical and thermal conductivity. Earthing strips are required and available in a wide range of thickness. The range will vary from 3mm to 6mm and the width of 15mm to 100mm. These strips are made from copper, GI and aluminium.

  • Earthing Wire – This is the most important material required for earthing. The earthing wires are essentially made from best quality copper or GI that can be used in various electrical, electronic and automobile instruments. They are made from top quality galvanized metals that provides high durability and great shock resistance. Hot dip galvanized earthing material is used to makes these wires sturdy that can last a lifetime.

  • Earthing Plates – commercial as well as residential places use earthing plates for shock resistance. These plates are also made from galvanized earthing material that ensures property safety, high durability and excellent shock resistance.

How To Choose The Best Earthing Material?

When you are looking for the best hot dip galvanizing material for earthing then it would be a wise decision to search a little. Tanya Galvanizers is one of the prominent companies in India that provides excellent quality earthing materials for both commercial and residential uses. They offer materials that will last lifelong and will have the durability and strength of resisting electrical shocks and fluctuations with ease.

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