Galvanizing refers to the process of addition of a coating on the base metal so as to increase its durability and efficiency. This is the reason as to why galvanizing has emerged to be so much popular. Generally, a coating of zinc is applied on stainless steel for the purpose of enhancing its durability as well as efficiency and hence a preferred process. Now the process of galvanization is categorized into the following.
- Hot dip galvanizing
- Cold galvanizing
Both of the processes are different from each other but the main motive applying a coat to the base metal remains the same. In order to get a clear idea about the differences between the processes, please read through.
Differences Between Hot Dip and Cold Galvanizing
Some of the major differences between hot dip galvanizing and cold galvanizing are as discussed below.
Plating Differences
Hot dip galvanizing involves dipping of the prepared base metal into molten zinc for the formation of a layer of zinc coating on the base metal. This hot dip galvanizing prevents the base metal from being corroded and the coating of zinc adheres strongly to the base metal.
Now, in case of cold galvanizing or also referred to as plating where the zinc salt solution by electrolysis is plated on to the metal which usually does not involve heating of any kinds. Moreover, the wet environment causes the coating to fall off very easily.
Treatment Differences
- Hot dip galvanizing is basically a chemical treatment where an electrochemical reaction takes place.
- Cold galvanizing is just a physical treatment where the layer of zinc just gets brushed on the base metal.
Technological Differences
- In hot dip galvanizing, the base metal is degreased and then followed up with the process of pickling, dipping, drying, immersion in molten zinc & finally cooled.
- Cold galvanizing also known as electro galvanized cold galvanizing which mainly involves the process of electrolysis of zinc salt solution where the zinc gets deposited on the base metal placed at the anode during the process of electrolysis. Before using the base metal as the anode in electrolysis, it goes through degreasing and picking.
Functional Differences
- In hot dip galvanizing, the immersion of the base metal into molten zinc develops a uniform coating of zinc which strongly adheres to its surface and hence much more beneficial in resisting corrosion, rust etc.
- In cold galvanizing, the zinc gets deposited on the base metal at the anode during electrolysis which is not uniform and being conducted in a wet environment, the layer of zinc easily falls of.
Thus, it can be very well understood that hot dip galvanizing is a much more preferred process when enhancing the durability of steel or other base metal. This is the reason as to why there is a constantly rising need of hot dip galvanizing services. So, at the time of looking for these services, you need to make sure to choose a trusted and reputed hot dip galvanizing plant in India to get the best results that too at affordable prices.